Scholar’s Café




If you enjoy stimulating conversation and sharing ideas about science and philosophy, then please join us at the Scholar's Café.

The Scholar's Café meets once a month to discuss a variety of scholarly topics with the goal to learn from each other’s different and varied experiences, viewpoints, and expertise.

The Scholar's Café is intended to be open to everyone, regardless of educational background, interests, and knowledge level. We make every effort to make our topics and discussion accessible and easily understandable for everyone. We ensure a safe and civil environment so everyone has a chance to express their ideas freely and openly without feeling intimidated or judged.

Some examples of topics we discuss:

  1. Does one have to be one to know one? Is it possible to really "know" anyone besides ourselves?
  2. Do we really have free-will? Or, is free-will an illusion?
  3. Is technology delivering on its promise? Are the evils of technology outweighted by its benefits?
  4. What is Freedom? Freedom to be vs. freedom to do?
  5. Do we work to live or live to work? Is it healthy to identify yourself with your job? 
  6. What is science? Is science the road to "Truth"? How reliable is the scientific method?
  7. Has the "Big Brother" society of 1984 finally arrived? How much freedom should we give up in the name of security?
  8. Relativism vs. Absolutism?
  9. What is justice and how do we create a just society?
  10. What does it mean to "do the right thing"?


When? Every first Thursday of the month at 2:00pm. We usually go for the a full hour.

Where? At the Starbucks on campus

Is there a cost to join? No. These meeting are FREE and we do not ask for any long-term commitments

Do I need to bring anything or prepare for these meetings? No.

If you would like to know more about the Scholar's Café, please email Steve Prime at

So, come, grab a coffee, and enjoy some stimulating conversation!

"I think, therefore....hmmmm.....I think, therefore I'm gonna go to Scholar's Café.
Yea, that's it. There's gonna be a lot of cogito!"
- Rene Descartes before he was famous